Family / Relationships

Treatment for addiction is readily available for drug addicts and alcoholics, from the homeless to the wealthy, for the incarcerated and the free. However, family participation is a minimal and understated part of the addict’s treatment. The family member or significant other may not have used mind-altering chemicals, but the effects of a loved one’s drug addiction could have left many wounds that require attention. Some relationship programs take you step by step through the evolution of relationships. How people meet and communicate, problematic areas in a relationship, and how the shift of focus occurs in the relationship due to alcohol or drugs.

If your treatment program is looking for additional family recovery resources, check out our selection of family additional recovery videos today! In addition to our physical DVDs, we also offer streaming and downloadable products specific to family recovery. If you need more resources or have questions about your family recovery treatment program’s needs, please reach out to FMS Productions at (800) 421-4609.

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