Stay Ahead: Making Parole, Part 2: Staying Home

Special Price $175.00 Regular Price $295.00
  • Presenter:Bob Gagliardo
  • Product No: 4620BDV
  • Running Time: 43 minutes
This is the 2nd of a two part series. This section deals with issues that the client needs to be aware of once they've made parole.
This section deals with issues that the client needs to be aware of once they've made parole. Discussed are the many illusions that ex-offenders have of getting back into the 'real world.' Specific tactics to avoid a return to prison are detailed, including how to deal professionally with your probation officer, how to stop making excuses and 'take care of business,' and other pressing issues for re-entry, such as understanding the media's influence on choices and behaviors in our society, and the connection between relapse and recidivism.
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