Darryl P. Turpin

Most recently, Mr. Turpin was the Branch Manager of Program Development for the Kentucky Dept. of Juvenile Justice. He provided oversight to various programs across the state of Kentucky, including the coordination of Prevention Councils, Mentoring Programs, Faith-Based Initiatives, and Disproportionate Minority Confinement. He has also served as faculty for the NADCP and Drug Court Institute, the National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Kentucky School for Alcohol and Drug Studies, National Black Addictions Institute, and the International Treating People of Color Conference. He is featured in the following program available at FMS (click the title for program specifics).
High Cost of Low Livin'Special Price $149.00 Regular Price $249.00This thought provoking video will make the addict think about the price they have paid for their addiction and urge them to make positive changes in their life. Learn More
ManhoodSpecial Price $224.00 Regular Price $299.00Darryl Turpin discusses the true meaning of attaining manhood with a group of men in recovery, Learn More